
Philippines – Jeanette Heinrichs (2001)

Jeanette Heinrichs was pursuing a dissertation in sociology from the University of Pittsburgh in 2001. The $1000 Jeanette received from Sara’s Wish Foundation helped to defray the costs of her trip to The Philippines where she engaged in field research studying the efforts of Filipina women to combat the global trafficking of women.

Here are Jeanette’s travel safety tips:

Kidnapping happens to tourists in the Philippines. In order to avoid it, never travel alone or ride a taxi or FX alone. Carry a cell phone with you when you travel abroad, even if you don’t normally use one at home.

This entry was posted on November 7, 2012, in 2001, Asia.

India – Elizabeth Parsons (2001)

Elizabeth Parsons, was medical student at Duke University when she was awarded a scholarship of $1500, to support her participation in an expedition to bring medical care to a Tibetan refugee population in India this past summer.

Here are Elizabeth’s travel safety tips:

When traveling in the mountains, hire drivers who live in the mountain region. They know the roads and can drive them more safely than a driver from the city.

This entry was posted on November 7, 2012, in 2001, Asia.

Europe – Tanyaporn Wansom (2006)

Tanyaporn Wansom is a 2002 graduate of Swarthmore College, now studying medicine at the University of Michigan. Tanya received a $1500 scholarship from Sara’s Wish Foundation so that she could participate in the Global Health Fellows Program (a health policy internship program) in Geneva, Switzerland.

Here are Tanyaporn’s travel safety tips:

Although Europe is generally safe, if you’re traveling alone on a train, try to sit near other young women traveling alone – they’ll likely be happy that you sat down in their compartment/area rather than somebody else. Talk to a conductor if someone is bothering you.

Stay in well-lit areas while you’re waiting for a train (or other public mode of transportation). If you have a long time to wait for a train, try reading a book at a cafeteria/public restaurant rather than waiting at the platform

You often get asked for your passport if you are traveling in Europe since you’re crossing borders often. Keep copies and important information somewhere safe in case you lose your passport.

When staying in hostels, men often come and sleep in ‘all-women’s’ bunk rooms at night. If you don’t feel comfortable with that, splurge on a more private room, as it may be hard to notify hostel staff late at night.

Register with the US embassy wherever you are if you’re going to be abroad for some time (It’s easy to do on their website). By doing this, you also get emails from the local consulate/embassy about State Dept warnings as well as local events (like 4th of July celebrations) going on around town.

If you don’t have a cell phone, keep calling cards with you at all times. It’s good to have a credit card in case you get into an emergency situation so that you can call who you need to from an international phone.

If you’re going to be abroad for any significant amount of time, get a cell phone. It’s cheap to buy a SIM card and you can pay-as-you-go. Although most cell phones from the US don’t work abroad, most cell phones from abroad work everywhere (I used a cheap phone I had previously from Thailand in Geneva ).

This entry was posted on November 7, 2012, in 2006, Europe.

Thailand – Jaime Moo-Young (2006)

Jaime Moo-Young studied medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and has a bachelor’s degree from Yale University. Jaime is spending a year in Bangkok, Thailand studying barriers to health care services among the poor. Jaime received a $1000 scholarship from Sara’s Wish Foundation.

Here are Jaime’s travel safety tips:

Transportation Safety

  • In Bangkok, the easiest and most convenient modes of transportation are the Sky Train (BTS), the subway (MRT), and taxis. These are all very safe.
  • For taxis, make sure to choose cabs that say “Taxi-Meter” on the top. Although crimes involving taxi drivers and passengers are uncommon, females should be wary of taking taxis home alone late at night. Since some cab drivers do not speak any English, it’s a good idea to have the address/phone number of your destination available, written out in both Thai and English, in order to avoid getting lost in an unfamiliar area.
  • Tuk-tuks are like mini, open-sided taxis that can take you shorter distances and bypass some of the heavier traffic. They’re reasonably safe if taken on a side road for a short distance, but I’d advise against taking them on the highway or picking one up in a very congested area, as the exhaust fumes from heavy traffic are very unpleasant and unhealthy.
  • In all parts of Thailand, motorcycle taxis are a very common way to travel, especially for short distances and during heavy traffic. Try to avoid these whenever possible, as motorcycle accidents are still the leading cause of injury-induced morbidity and mortality in Thailand. If you are in a rural area where motorcycle is the only legitimate means of transportation, make sure to wear a helmet, agree on a price beforehand, and don’t be afraid to tell the driver to stop if you feel unsafe and want to get off. Travelers may also rent motorcycles themselves in certain areas, especially the more touristy ones. Use your discretion when doing this, as motorcycle injuries among Thais and foreigners alike remain very common.
  • As a pedestrian, be very careful when crossing the street, especially in very busy areas such as Bangkok. Whenever possible, use the elevated crossing bridges (“flyovers”) that are available along most busy roads. Crossing at a designated crosswalk is not a guarantee of safety; look both ways thoroughly before venturing across, even if you supposedly have the right of way. When looking out for oncoming traffic, remember that Thais drive on the left side of the road.
  • Unlike in the US , traffic lights and traffic signals are not taken as an absolute in Thailand. It’s not uncommon for vehicles to run red lights or switch lanes erratically, especially when traffic is the most congested. Keep this in mind, especially when crossing intersections.
  • In Bangkok, public buses are the cheapest and most common form of commuter transportation among Thais. They are quite safe, and foreigners may use them as well if they can become acquainted with the various routes and can speak some basic Thai in order to clarify directions/destination.
  • For travel between provinces, there are several private and government coach bus companies that provide safe, reliable transportation. If you purchase your ticket at one of the recognized provincial bus stations, you can feel safe knowing that you’re using a legitimate company. In the past, there were reports of drivers of nighttime buses taking drugs in order to stay awake overnight. Nowadays, this practice is less common, and most companies require 2 drivers per overnight shift who can take turns, thus eliminating the need for drivers to pull all-nighters. If you feel uneasy about this, it never hurts to double-check that there are 2 drivers on your particular tour bus. Or, you can opt to take a daytime bus instead of an overnight one. Be careful of overcrowding and overbooking during the most travel-heavy times of year, such as New Year’s and the Songkran Festival (in mid-April); it’s not a bad idea to avoid road travel altogether during these holidays anyway.

Personal Safety

  • Overall, Thailand is a very safe country, but you should always exercise the same precautions that you would in any large city. Especially in large cities such as Bangkok and Chiang Mai, keep your money and passport on your body or in a securely-closed bag that you can keep your eye on, and watch out for pickpockets.
  • Especially in touristy areas (like the Grand Palace in Bangkok), be wary of “tuk-tuk/taxi scams,” where a driver offers to take you to a tourist site for a certain price. They often will stop off at a jewelry store, even if you insist you are not interested, and pressure you to buy something there. This is because they have received a commission from the store for taking you there. While personal safety is not typically at risk in these scams, you may get ripped off or feel harassed. In general, always have a specific destination in mind when hailing a tuk-tuk or cab, and feel free to get out if you feel the driver is giving you the runaround.
  • Especially if you are female, don’t walk around alone at night, avoid dark/deserted areas, and try to tell a friend where you are going and when to expect you back home.
  • Lock your doors and windows, especially at night and when leaving your apartment or guesthouse, as robberies are not uncommon. If staying in a reputable guesthouse or hotel, inquire whether there is a safety box at the front desk for valuables. If you feel uncertain about the legitimacy of the guesthouse, it’s better to keep your valuables on your person or locked up and within your sight at all times.
  • Since the government coup in September 2006, violence has been kept to a minimum, but there have been occasional bombings around Bangkok and other provinces since January 2007. Try to stay clear of any political protests or crowded/touristy areas that may be at risk for bombing during festive occasions.
  • Deadly bombings by Muslim insurgents in the southernmost provinces (Yala, Songkla, Patani, and Narathiwat), have become almost a daily occurrence in the past couple of years. Avoid traveling to these areas whenever possible, and be aware of travel advisories.
This entry was posted on November 7, 2012, in 2006, Asia.

Kenya – Jodi Sebso (2006)

Jodi Sebso completed medical school at the University of Arizona in 2006. Jodi used her $1500 scholarship from Sara’s Wish Foundation to support work in a community clinic in Kenya.

Here are Jodi’s travel safety tips:

Traveling in Kenya is definitely not for the faint-hearted or those with back problems! Before you go, register with the US Embassy, which you can do quite easily by filling out an online form. Kenya is listed on the State Department’s list of locations with travel warnings, so keep this in mind when planning a trip there. Places in Kenya such as Nairobi and the coast (Mombasa and Lamu), are typically considered slightly higher risk because they are more tourist-oriented. In addition, be sure to get your travel immunizations—typhoid, a polio booster, yellow fever, and meningitis vaccine, the only one that is optional. Overall, if you do your research and use common sense, you will find Kenya to be quite safe.

When flying to Kenya, there are a number of airlines which you can choose from. British Airways, KLM, and Kenya Airways all service Nairobi. You will fly into the Jomo Kenyatta airport. You must have a visa to enter the country, and you can either get this before you depart by sending your passport and other required items to the Kenyan embassy in Washington, D.C., or by waiting in line at the airport once you arrive. All information can be found at I had my visa before I left home, which made customs take only about ten minutes. Be sure to leave plenty of time before your flight when you depart Nairobi, as the security is very tight (3 separate X-ray machines and several bag checks), and takes anywhere from 1-2 hours just to get to your gate. Once in Nairobi, you can either be met at the airport or take a taxi into town. While in town, there are a number of buses and matatus (small Nissan vans) that shuttle people around the city. Do not travel in one of these vehicles at night if you can avoid it. The streets become pretty unsafe at night, and there is a reason that the city’s nickname is “Nairobbery!” Always keep money and other important items in a money belt. There have been incidences lately of buses on the way to the coast being held up by robbers who are savvy to money belts that hang around your neck or wrap around your waist, so the best kind to use would be one that you can attach around your leg.

I spent the majority of my time in western Kenya near Lake Victoria and in southern Kenya near the Maasai Mara reserve. In order to get from Nairobi to Kisumu, the largest city in the west, there are several buses and matatus. I would recommend the Easy Coach bus company. While it is not the fastest way to travel, it is safe. It costs 700 Sh ($10) for a one-way ticket on a fairly comfortable bus that may have air-conditioning, if you are very lucky! The roads are in extremely bad condition, and the majority of your 7-hour trip will be spent bumping around due to huge potholes. But you will spy zebras, baboons, gazelles, and other animals as you drive through the Great Rift Valley.

Once in Kisumu, you can catch a matatu or boda boda (a bicycle taxi) to get around the city. Boda bodas should cost you between 10-20 Sh per ride. Always take a taxi if you are traveling anywhere at night, or to get back to your hotel if you are at dinner or the like. A good safe hotel is the Sooper Guest House. (No, that’s not a misspelling!) If you are traveling to any location along the lake, you will need to take a matatu. These vehicles are supposed to only hold 14 passengers and drive 80 km/hour, but this is rarely what occurs. I found that the best seats were in the very back by the windows. In this manner you get fresh air and are the least crowded when people are getting in and out during your trip. There are also sometimes small buses that travel to larger villages, and these afford more room but a much rougher ride once you hit dirt roads. There were several instances when I was literally flying out of my seat! A matatu ride of up to 2 hours should cost 150-180 Sh, max. Matatu drivers will charge based upon what they think you can pay, so be firm on your price. All matatus leave from the matatu stage in Kisumu, which anyone can easily point out to you. Nearly everyone that you meet is very friendly and wants to help however they can. Your smile will always be the best tool you have to approach situations. Have a great trip!

This entry was posted on November 7, 2012, in 2006, Africa.

Uganda – Kelly Grafing (2006)

Kelly Grafing was a medical resident in pediatrics at the University of Minnesota in 2006. Kelly used her $1000 scholarship from Sara’s Wish Foundation to support her participation in an elective program in Kampala, Uganda where she provided inpatient care to children with extreme malnourishment and rare diseases.

Here are Kelly’s travel safety tips:

  1. Make two copies of your passport prior to leaving. Leave one behind in your home country after telling a trusted person where it is located. Take the other copy with you storing it in a different location than your passport. This is to have documentation of your passport should it become lost or stolen.
  2. Carry your passport and money in a travel safety pass to prevent getting your pocket picked.
  3. Registering with your local embassy either prior to leaving or upon arrival is a good idea.
  4. Malaria prevention is key. Take your anti-malarial medications as prescribed daily. Also prevent bug bites with bed nets and bug repellant. A recommended bug repellant would be Ultrathon Bug Repellent lotion or Sawyer Extended Release Bug Repellant. The key is the extended release of the DEET component. These products are available at camping stores.
  5. Protection from the sun is also important. Have a sunscreen with you always for frequent reapplications. Drink plenty of safe water. Bring a hat and long sleeved clothing to block the sun effect.
  6. Ugandan currency is the Ugandan shilling. As of spring of 2006, 1800 Ugandan Shillings are equal to 1 US dollar. To ensure the best exchange rate, bring $100 or $50 US dollar bills that are new, crisp, and dated after 2000. Many places will not accept bills printed before 1999. ATMs are available but having your own US currency is recommended.
  7. If working in the hospital, open toe shoes are acceptable but otherwise dress is very formal. You will be expected to wear a white coat daily. Men are to wear a shirt and tie.
  8. Shower shoes are a must.
  9. Transportation around Uganda comes in many fashions. Private cabs are safe, often provide seatbelts, but are more expensive at about 5000 shillings. Matu Matus are minivans that function as taxis for the general public. These are safe and cost considerably less at about 300 shillings. Boda Bodas are motorized scooters that you can ride on the back of. I would not recommend this mode of travel, as it is unsafe and known for many traffic accidents.
  10. Walking is safe in Uganda, but should be done in pairs and during day light hours for maximum safety.
  11. Women are safe to travel in Eastern Africa , but should not travel alone. I would recommend that everyone travel in pairs regardless of sex.
  12. It is important to keep up to date on the news occurring in the country you are traveling to or in. Many countries in Eastern Africa are currently not safe to travel in due to political situations. This information should be checked prior to travel as well as while there.
  13. Water from the tap is not safe to drink unless boiled thoroughly. This means it is not to be used for brushing teeth, cooking, or accidentally swallowed in the shower unless treated first. Tap water can be made safe to drink either by boiling it, filtering it, or adding iodine tablets which are available at camping stores.
  14. A flashlight is a must as the power is very unreliable. I would recommend having one that can be carried on you at all times.
  15. You can keep in touch with your friends and families via email that is readily available at many Internet cafes taking into mind the power is working while you are there. Cells phones are cheap to purchase in Uganda , and your family can call you on your cell phone after purchasing an international phone card in the US for about 8 cents per minute. You will need a SIM card if you purchase a cell phone so that it can receive calls. You can call internationally from payphones in Uganda but will have to purchase a local phone card at a rate of about $1 per 30 seconds to 1 minute.
This entry was posted on November 7, 2012, in 2006, Africa.

Cameroon – Sarah Sawyer (2009)

Sarah Sawyer is a doctoral student in environmental policy, and management at UC Berkeley. Sarah spent the month of January in Cameroon where she examined human-landscape interactions and their impacts on endangered species and on the sustainability of critical ecosystems, thanks to a $1500 from Sara’s Wish Foundation.

Here are Sarah’s travel safety tips:

Cameroon is a challenging country to visit, but also exciting, beautiful, and very rewarding. It helps to speak both English and French, but you can generally get by with only English. Before leaving for Cameroon, make sure to register with the embassy to get travel updates and advisories. Also, be sure to get travel insurance, which includes evacuation insurance, before traveling. Malaria is prevalent in Cameroon, so begin taking prophylaxis before you start your trip. Be sure to leave a tentative itinerary with contact people at home, but make sure they recognize that travel in Africa is unpredictable and unstructured so your plans will frequently change. Before you leave, throw away all notions of timeliness, stress, and efficiency, and try to relax into a mental state of “whatever happens happens”. Everything takes longer than expected in Cameroon, but if you embrace and enjoy this waiting time, you’ll discover things you would have otherwise missed.

When visiting the Southwest province, it is best to fly into Douala International Airport. Air France is perhaps the best carrier into Douala, although Royal Air Maroc would suffice in a bind. Ethiopian Air is also a great airline, depending on where you’re coming from. Upon arrival into the airport, getting baggage can be a bit chaotic, so I recommend immediately finding one porter or security guard to be your aid. Finding one person to support you in getting your baggage will help ensure that (1) you do not get harassed by other porters asking for more money upon exit, (2) you pass through customs smoothly, and (3) you find a reliable taxi upon exit. Give your porter a nice tip at the end. Customs officers will ask for bribes, but do not give in to them if you know that you have not done anything illegal. As soon as you can, I recommend purchasing a SIM card for your cell phone. They are cheap, and you can fill them as you go. Make sure that your cell phone is a quad-band, and has been “unlocked” for use in other countries before you leave the states, and then put in a Cameroonian SIM card upon arrival. Program emergency contacts, reliable taxi driver phone numbers, and numbers of any other people you come across who are friendly and helpful. You never know when you’ll want to be back in touch with these people. From Douala, you can get to any number of cities by bus. The buses leave from bus stations, and are usually reliably late but trustworthy. I do not recommend the small bush-taxi buses, which often cram too many people, too much cargo, and drive too fast in unsafe conditions. Go for the larger buses, for which you can reserve a seat, and which tend to follow the regulations of the road more closely.

Limbe is a beautiful but quiet city on the coast, which I recommend to anyone visiting the country. Accommodations can be found relatively inexpensively, as long as you go to one of the hotels not directly on the beach. Hotels like the Victoria Guest House, set back off the beach, are clean and well run, and can have rooms for half the price of those on the beach. Average hotel room costs run between about $10 and $40 per night, depending on if you want air conditioning or not. You will rarely find a hotel that has hot water, but you likely won’t want it. The area is very hot, and very humid, but I find that a room with only a fan is manageable. Make sure to bring cool clothes, lots of sun protection, and stay hydrated. Limbe is a relatively safe city, but make sure that if you are traveling after dark you travel in groups and keep the carrying of valuables to a minimum. When you arrive in the country, you can get the police to certify a copy of your passport front page and visa for about 5 dollars, so that you can avoid carrying around your passport. I recommend always carrying a certified copy of your passport, and leaving the original in a safe location. It is always useful to send a local friend or colleague to the police station for you, as foreign faces always inspire artificially high prices. From Limbe, you can visit Mount Cameroon, Buea, and many of the beautiful forested landscapes of Cameroon.

If you plan to travel into the bush, be sure to take appropriate precautions before you leave. First, buy treatment for amoebic dysentery, giardia, muscle pain, fever, and malaria. Medicine is inexpensive in the area, and it’s good to keep a supply of these on hand, to begin treating ailments before you can get back to a hospital. Any local pharmacy will be able to give you good instructions. Try to travel in the dry season (November through April), as bacterial and water-borne diseases tend to be worse in the rainy season (May through October). If you can afford to hire a private vehicle and driver, that is the best option, as you can get the help and expertise of a local driver. If not, go with larger bus companies, and travel with companions. When you reach destinations, try to employ local assistants with a good mastery of English (most people speak Pidgin English, but it can be very challenging to try to communicate with others without help of a good translator), to help introduce you to local people, food, and practices. Palm wine and Kola nuts are always a good way to show people that you have an open heart and are looking to learn and grow from local encounters. Be sure to wear shoes at all times, wash your hands regularly, and boil or treat all water. Diseases are rampant in this area, and it’s much more fun if you can avoid them all-together.

The people in the Southwest province sometimes have a gruff exterior, but keep your mind, eyes, and ears open, and you’ll find that many of them are kind, helpful, and excited to exchange ideas and knowledge with visitors. Notions of truth are not the same in Cameroon, so be careful of being overly trusting, but don’t be afraid to open up and engage with others. Try not to be on the roads after dark, travel with friends instead of alone, and always be aware of your surroundings, but don’t let fear keep you from getting the full experience. Cameroon is relatively safe and welcoming. Always bring some extra money, in case of emergency. Enjoy your time and experiences. Good luck, and safe travels.

This entry was posted on November 7, 2012, in 2009, Africa.

India – Rachel Meeker (2010)

Rachel Meeker received both her bachelors and masters degrees from UC Riverside in sociology and religious studies. Rachel worked in India with the Child Leader Project, focusing on higher education for disadvantaged youth. Rachel received a $1500 scholarship from Sara’s Wish Foundation.

Here are Rachel’s travel safety tips:

When traveling with a group, the most effective safety practices are those that are habitual. Rather than relying solely on a set of safety rules as reference material, it is important that we also create a culture of safety within our traveling community. By creating cultures of safety, we ensure that all members of the group feel ownership of safety policies and a responsibility to the group to employ those policies for the good of everyone. A culture of safety should also enable member feedback on safety policies and procedures so that concerns can be shared, successes celebrated, and that ultimately the traveling community can improve and strengthen its safety guidelines. In other words, safety needs to be a cultural value in a traveling community and, as such, is an important element in daily activities, planning and decision-making processes.

Creating a Culture of Safety

How do we create a culture of safety within a traveling community, such as an education abroad cohort, a collective of international volunteers, or a group of friends or family traveling together?

One way is to create safe spaces for community dialogue, creation, and reflection. A safe space is when every member is allowed a voice in the discussion and no one is censured or judged for their contributions. Through these safe spaces, we can establish consensus on safe practices so that all community members feel ownership. This also ensures that you have the most comprehensive safety practices, expressing the concerns and wisdom of all group members. This is also an opportunity to discuss why certain practices are useful, why members may be more comfortable or uncomfortable adhering to community guidelines, and so forth. Let all voices be heard, be patient, and consensus will be reached.

Practice Safe Community Every Day

Maintaining a culture of safety is a daily endeavor. In your traveling community, there a many ways to cultivate the value of safety on a day to day basis. How you decide to make safety a daily practice is an important part of building consensus early in your journey, so remember to open the discussion before you board the plane, train, boat or bus!

Consider making the following part of your daily routine prior to and while traveling…

  • In preparation for your trip and while you are traveling, hold daily “check-ins” to discuss how we have each practiced our values, including safety as a value in relationship to other community values. This is a great forum for community members to continue the safe space created prior to your trip!
  • Staying in shared housing? Create a “Safety Net” poster in your home, connecting safe practices to your traveling goals, experiences, and memories. A Safety Net poster is an ongoing collage project contributed to by the group that allows all members to chart their travel experiences in light of safe community practices. You can use a web structure, a bubble graph, a timeline, or any other visual structure that is meaningful to your group—pick one together!
  • Think about safety in positive terms rather than negative terms (Ex: Don’t do this, don’t do that); Celebrate a positive practice every day. What do your safe community practices allow you to do in your travels? Do you have greater mobility, are you more comfortable trying new things, and so forth? Make time to celebrate the ways that safe practices liberate your journey by recognizing and exercising the freedoms that safe community ensures!
  • Maintain connection to loved ones at home. Use phone calls, emails, blogs, webcasts, or good old fashioned letters and postcards. Remember that how we define our traveling communities is not necessarily limited to those you are physically with while you travel. Involve family, friends and partners. They are our primary advocates and allies in our daily lives and this does not change when we are abroad. Their contributions and their care are an integral part of creating your safety culture. Consider this as you plan your trip and reflect on how your travel community will actively involve them in your journey.

Safe Communities Confronting the Unexpected

What happens when your travel community is confronted with a safety issue that they did not expect?

One of the benefits of creating a culture of safety in your traveling community is that when you confront a safety issue that your community could not predict in your travels, you already have the mechanisms in place within your community to deal with it. Safe space for discussion allows all voices to be heard, all wisdom and insight to be shared. We all know the adage “two heads are better than one” but how much better is it to have the heads and hearts of your whole community directed towards the group good? Daily activities highlighting safety as a value ensures that all members have practice thinking about safety or using a ‘safety lens’ to reflect on their experiences. With these mechanisms in place, your community will be better equipped to handle the unfamiliar or unexpected. Use these mechanisms to allow the group to make decisions about safe practices together and trust your community. Come together in caring and enjoy your journey!

This entry was posted on November 7, 2012, in 2010, Asia.

Ghana – Robin Baudreau (2011)

Robin Baudreau - 2011 Recipient to Ghana

Robin Baudreau is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts/Amherst in journalism and political science. Robin traveled to Ghana  in the fall of 2011 where she worked with the program ACT (Alliance for Community Transformation) helping to build an orphanage and teaching in a small school. Robin received a $1000 scholarship from Sara’s Wish Foundation.

Here are Robin’s travel safety tips:

No matter how prepared you may be before you leave, you’ll never be completely prepared. Let me explain this in simpler terms: be adaptable. Comparing Ghana to the United States is like comparing apples to… avocados. The only similarity is the seed in the middle. The common ground in communicating to people in such a different situation than ours is that we’re all people. If you start with that, you’ll have no problem. Customs are different; traditions may be stronger and more significant. You should learn them, because something of no disrespect to you may be the complete opposite to them.

Know the currency. Know the exchange rate. Know how much things are supposed to cost and how much you’re actually paying. Despite the majority of good people you’ll come across in your travels, there will be the handful of people that will try to cheat you.

Believe in the good in people. Traveling far away from home can be scary, and especially if you’re traveling alone you need to be aware of your surroundings and keep a watchful eye. But don’t be afraid to believe in the general kindness of people either. Ghana was a place of people helping people, and if you join in on that mentality it will get you a lot farther than your skepticism will.

Know the language. In Ghana the regional language where I was was Ewe, and the first day we got there we bought a tiny notebook at the market and began writing down everything we thought would be helpful to know. It’s important to know what you’re saying when traveling around and especially buying things. It’s also nice when you want to talk to the locals, they love teaching you their language and especially love when you speak it with them. It will just generally make things easier for you.

Go without expectations. This goes back to the first point that I made. I thought I was traveling to Ghana to build something with my hands, but instead I ended up teaching various subjects in a very small, very rural school. I really didn’t want to teach at all, but the joy the children get from having someone new and exciting teach them every day was well worth the inconvenience to me. Plus, either way I was making a difference in some sense.

Always keep a form of identification on you, but don’t necessarily make it your passport. I kept my license and my travel abroad medical insurance card on me ( another thing you should consider getting.) I made sure I always had cash in their currency, as well as an emergency debit card on hand. I kept my passport in a safe place with the rest of my belongings as well as my credit cards and regular debit cards. Make copies of your passport and keep the copies in a separate place than your actual passport. You also want to notify your bank that you’ll be out of the country to avoid them shutting off your bank account. It also may seem silly, but check what type of banks or ATMs are available where you’re going. I couldn’t use my Mastercard in many places in Ghana, and you want to make sure you always have your funds readily available.

Get used to being different. In Ewe, a white person is called a “yevu” (spelling questionable,) and it was yelled at me everywhere I went. I was touched, and poked, and prodded because my skin was white. It was an extremely interesting perspective to be a minority, and I think it’s something that everyone should go through. Don’t be afraid to explore that. It was probably one of my favorite parts of my experience in Ghana.

Don’t do anything that makes you feel like you’re in danger. There’s a distinction between putting yourself in an uncomfortable yet rewarding situation, and feeling like you shouldn’t be in a certain situation. Go with your gut, if something doesn’t feel right, it’s probably because it isn’t and don’t do it.

Learn your options for transportation. Road travel wasn’t necessarily the safest in Ghana, but there was really no other option for us. You just have to be careful and take precautions everywhere you go. If you don’t feel safe, say something, and get yourself out of wherever you are. Nothing is worth getting hurt.

Learn to live without your worldly possessions. For six weeks I had no cell phone, no computer, no running water, and sporadic electricity. I was chewed up by mosquitoes, dirty, and I loved it. You learn to live without these things, don’t let the lack of material things discourage you.

See everything you can see. Meet everyone you can meet. Taste, smell, and breathe everything in that you can. You’re going to miss home. You’re going to miss the convenience of American life, but you’re also going to miss your travels when they’re done so you have to soak up every opportunity that you can.

This entry was posted on November 7, 2012, in 2011, Africa.

Cambodia – Mary Jo Pham (2009)

Mary Jo Pham grew up in Springfield, MA, and has completed her sophomore year at Tufts University. Mary Jo worked in the Public Affairs Office at the US Embassy in Phom Penh, Cambodia during the summer, concentrating on press, cultural, educational programs. Mary Jo received a $1000 scholarship from Sara’s Wish Foundation.

Here are Mary Jo’s travel safety tips:

Any trip to Southeast Asia will be an unforgettable experience. The journey is one that will open a door to new cultures, languages, people, and adventures. Life in the major cities such as Bangkok, Phnom Penh, and Ho Chi Minh City differ from rural and pastoral living. The rules and tips to how to be safe throughout your trip, however, do not.

  1. Always know where you are and where you’re going, be very aware and vigilant. Put yourself and your safety first.
  2. Give your family/emergency contact person details as to where you’re going, when/how long you’re staying, and contact addresses and phone numbers.
  3. Research your destinations thoroughly and know where to avoid.
  4. Learn key phrases in the language (No. Stop! I need help. I’m lost)
  5. Carry an emergency information card in your wallet and on your person.
  6. Don’t walk or travel at night in unlit areas. While Ho Chi Minh City is lit up like New York City, other places in Vietnam often are not. Roads are dark and seeing road obstructions are difficult. Please don’t night travel.
  7. Please avoid carrying backpacks and purses. Opt to put money in a security pouch or front pocket. If you must wear a purse or carry a bag, make sure it’s slung closely across the front of your body, as to avoid pick-pocketing and snatching.
  8. Keep valuables well hidden and/or in a safe in a hotel room.
  9. Have money available via small amounts of cash, card, traveler’s check, and always have an extra $20 USD -$50 USD on your person should an emergency occur. Invest in a security pouch to wear and to store documents while traveling long distances.
  10. Register with the U.S. Embassy in the country you’re traveling to. Think: GOSHH. Go Off Safe, Healthy, and Happy! When in doubt, always ask questions, always walk, and always put your safety first.


This entry was posted on November 7, 2012, in 2009, Asia.